
大数据时代的个性化教育:策略与实践 被引量:44

Personalized Education in Globalization Era
摘要 个性化教育是近10年来国际社会关注的话题,它建立在四个维度的相互关联中:时间——终身学习的理念将教育贯穿于每个人的整个人生中;空间——学习可以在每个具体场所实现,即泛在学习;学习者的要求和特点不同,学习内容应该是针对个体并适宜于每个个体的,即弹性化和定制式的;互动——学习应该是基于合作共同体的,即通过学习者的密切互动和合作,通过真实问题的探讨及虚拟实境的参与而展开。个性化学习有5个基本要素,它需要信息通讯技术作为支撑,特别是泛在学习,需要教育云的技术与条件;而学生驱动的学习,需要充分可用的教育资源。同时,个性化教育内含了教育公平的理想,只有通过个性化学习,让每个学习者获得自己适宜的最好发展,才是真正的教育公平。 personalized education in the last 10 years the international community concerned a- bout the topic, it is built on four interrelated dimensions: ( 1 ) Time: lifelong learning education throughout the entire life of each person; (2)space-learning in each specific places achieved in that ubiquitous learning; (3) different requirements and characteristics of learners, learning content should be appropriate for the individual and for each individual, namely flexible and customized; (4) interactive -learning should be based on cooperation and community, through close interaction and collaboration of learners, by exploring and participating in a virtual reality of the real issues and expand. Personalized learning five basic elements, it needs information and communication technolo- gy as a support, especially ubiquitous learning, the need for education technology and cloud condi- tions; a student -driven learning, need adequate educational resources available. Meanwhile, per- sonalized education contains the ideal of fair education, only through personalized learning, so that each learner get yourself the best suitable development, real educational equality.
作者 吴刚
出处 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第7期104-110,共7页 Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences
关键词 个性化教育 学习科学 深度学习 personalized education science of learning deep learning
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