
盐度胁迫对入侵生物福寿螺的急性毒性效应 被引量:7

Acute toxicity effects of salinity stress on the invasive golden apple snails
摘要 【目的】研究黑壳和黄壳福寿螺Pomacea canaliculata的耐盐性.【方法】采用急性盐度试验,观察人工咸水胁迫下2种壳色福寿螺的行为表现并计算半致死浓度(LC50);测量ρ(NaCl)=0、5、10 g·L^(-1)持续养殖1个月2种壳色福寿螺的生长及存活指标.【结果和结论】2种壳色福寿螺在ρ(NaCl)=20和15 g·L^(-1)时厣壳紧闭,处于生长抑制状态;在ρ(NaCl)=10 g·L^(-1)时出现逃逸现象,反应迟钝;ρ(NaCl)=5 g·L^(-1)与ρ(NaCl)=0(对照)行为表现类似,反应灵敏,活动自如.黄壳福寿螺48 h死亡率(y)与盐度(x)回归方程为:y=4.143x^(-1)4.762(R2=0.842),48 h半致死浓度(LC50)=15.63 g·L^(-1);黑壳福寿螺则为:y=3.958x^(-1)3.152(R2=0.866),48 h的LC50=15.96g·L^(-1).ρ(NaCl)=0、5、10 g·L^(-1)(低盐度)养殖生长试验表明:养殖1月后,2种壳色福寿螺在ρ(NaCl)=10g·L^(-1)下死亡率均最高.ρ(NaCl)=0、5、10 g·L^(-1)黄壳福寿螺绝对增质量分别为0.954、1.278和0.683 g,黑壳福寿螺则分别为0.845、1.073和0.877 g.2种壳色福寿螺均在ρ(NaCl)=5 g·L^(-1)时绝对增质量最大.因此,福寿螺能够耐受一定盐度,在盐度较低的咸水中也能生长良好,存在向河口地区入侵的风险. 【Objective 】To study the salt tolerance of black and yellow golden apple snails,Pomacea canaliculata. 【Method】The acute toxicity test was taken to observe golden apple snails' behaviors under salinity stress. The 50% lethal concentration( LC50) values were calculated. Golden apple snails cultivation experiments at low salinities( 0,5 and 10 g·L^(-1)) lasting 1 month were did to obtain their growth and survival parameters. 【Result and conclusion】The black and yellow golden apple snails were inhibited immediately with hermetization of their mantle cavity when they were put into high saline artificial water( 15 and 20 g·L^(-1)). Snails escaped from unfavourable conditions with slow response under the medium salt stress( 10 g·L^(-1)). At the low salt stress( 5 g·L^(-1)),the snails crawled leisurely with sensitive response and movement,just like the control. The regression equation of yellow snail between the mortality at 48 h and the salt concentration was y = 4. 143x^(-1)4. 762( R2= 0. 842),LC50= 15. 632 g·L^(-1);while black snail at 48 h: y = 3. 958x^(-1)3. 152( R2= 0. 866),LC50= 15. 956 g · L^(-1). Low salinity( 0,5,10 g·L^(-1)) aquaculture growth experiments showed that 2 shell colored snails in the salinity 10g·L^(-1)had the highest mortality after 1 month growth. The absolute growth mass were 0. 954,1. 278 and0. 683 g for yellow snail at salt concentration of 0,5 and 10 g·L^(-1)respectively,while 0. 845,1. 073 and 0. 877 g for the black snail. They both expressed negative growth at the beginning of sampling,and expressed excellence growth at 5 g·L^(-1). The research suggest that golden apple snails can tolerate certain salt stress,which means they can grow well in salt water with lower salinity. This phenomenon demonstrates a possibility of invasive risk for estuaries.
出处 《华南农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期31-35,共5页 Journal of South China Agricultural University
基金 国家自然科学基金(U1131006) 四川农业大学"双支计划"(03570202)
关键词 福寿螺 入侵生物 急性毒性试验 盐度胁迫 耐盐性 风险防控 golden apple snail invasive species acute toxicity test salinity stress salt tolerance risk control
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