Martin Heidegger criticizes Husserl's formulation of phenomenology and claims that Husserl's phenomenology determines the Being of intentionality on the basis of consciousness. On Heidegger's view, this understanding of the" determination of the Being"( Seinsbestimmungen) of intentionality is ontologically deficient, the views based erroneous" objectivizing"and" subjectivizing"of intentionality, that the pure phenomenology have the necessary inablilty when determine the mode and meaning of being of intentionality and have the ability to interrogate the Apriori understanding of being included the intenio. Heidegger thinks that the ultimate historical origin of pure phenmenology's neglect of the being question is the Greek understanding of the meaning of being as presence, on this point, it is impossible to harmonize Husserl's and Aristotle's accounts of Eidê, and Husserl's concept of intentionality can not be viewed as the rediscovery of Plato's insight into Logos Tinos. But, Heidegger's critique of Plato presupposes that Plato's Socratic account of the seeing of the eidê is Plato's last word on the subject. And this means that Heidegger's ontico-ontological critique of Husserl's concept of intentionality depend on its historical precedence in the limits of Greek ontology.
Journal of Liaoning University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)