合理的数据模型和数据结构是井下测量对象实现计算机管理和处理的基础 .给出了井下测量对象的形式化定义 ,利用半序空间的数学性质 ,考虑井下测量对象间的逻辑关系 ,导出了测量对象半序空间的商拓扑空间 ,利用测量对象半序空间理论 ,提出在井下测量对象空间中进行矿山GIS路径分析、导线网空间拓扑操作等算法 。
A suitable data model and data structure make mining survey objects maintained and operated easier. The mining survey objects are divided into many sorts in this paper and defined. The objects and relations among them are described by a triple (X,f,S) . This paper proved that control and transfer relations among the survey objects are partially ordered relations. To solve different problems in our domain, we study the survey objects quotient set, the domain is simplified and a larger granularity of the domain is got. Then the problem (X,f,S) is transferred into a new problem ,,. In order to find relations among the different granularities, we wish that was also partially ordered relation. In (X,S) , we define u(x)={y|x<y,y∈X}.The element u(x)is a mining survey object which is controlled or transferred by x . Let P={u(x)|x∈X}, then P is a family of the mining survey objects. By P we can construct an order topology of X , denoted as (X,S) . Now, we get a topological space (X,S) from partially ordered space (X,S) . Let be quotient set, then the quotient topological space of (X,S) is ( ,). This paper attempts to use the properties of the quotient topological space to analyze and describe the mining survey objects. Finally, an actual example is given to show the data model's possible applications.
Journal of China Coal Society