目的了解登封市小肠结肠炎耶尔森菌(以下简称为小肠结肠炎菌)生物学特性及宿主分布特征。方法从宿主粪便及猪咽拭子中分离培养小肠结肠炎菌,进行生化鉴定、血清分型、毒力基因检测。结果 2011年采集标本共计1 988份,分离出358株小肠结肠炎菌,总检出率为18。其中,猪标本检出率最高,达23.91%(333/1 393);其次是犬标本检出率为17.86%(5/28)。毒力基因ail+、yst A+、yst B-、yad A+、vir F+与ail+、yst A+、yst B-、yad A-、vir F-各占77.37%(277/358)、2.51%(9/358),均为致病性菌株。结论小肠结肠炎菌的主要宿主为猪与犬,以致病性菌株居多,应警惕致病性小肠结肠炎菌通过宿主动物传播给人及其他动物的危险。
Objective To investigate the biological characteristics and host distribution of Yersinia enterocolitica in Dengfeng City.Methods Yersinia enterocolitica was isolated from intestinal discharge of all host and pharyngeal swabs of swine. The bacteria were analyzed by using the systematic biochemistry,serotype,and PCR detection methods. Results A tall of 1988 samples were collected in 2011; 358 strains of Yersinia enterocolitica were isolated,which account for 18%. The isolating rate of swine was highest with 23. 91 %( 333 /1393),the second was dog with 17. 86 %( 5 /28). The toxicity gene ail + 、yst A + 、yst B- 、yad A + 、vir F+ with a ratio of 77. 37%( 277 /358),and ail + 、yst A + 、yst B- 、yad A- 、vir F- with a ratio of 2. 51%( 9 /358). They all were pathogenic strains. Conclusions Swine and dog are the dominant animal hosts of pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica. The risk of potential population and animal infection attributed to pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica transmitted by animal hosts deserves attention.
Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases