目的调查掌握上海市金山区越冬蚊虫的种类、密度及分布情况。方法 2013年12月上旬至2014年3月下旬,选择越冬蚊虫主要栖息场所,每旬1次,采用目测法估算越冬蚊虫密度,并使用电动吸蚊器捕捉成蚊带回实验室解剖,观察卵巢发育情况。结果连续12次调查共捕获成蚊2 165只,均为淡色库蚊;在整个越冬期间,蚊虫活动状态经历了"骚扰即飞——触之能飞——触之能爬行——触之肢体可动——触之能爬行——触之即飞——骚扰即飞"的变化规律;其中配电房和垃圾房的越冬蚊虫较多,公共厕所最少;调查发现1月上旬雄蚊开始消失,3月中旬重新出现,2月中旬雌蚊体内脂肪体累积骤减,3月下旬消失,3月上旬开始捕捉到吸血雌蚊和卵巢发育的雌蚊。结论上海市金山区淡色库蚊以成蚊方式越冬。
Objective To understand species,density and distribution of the overwintering mosquitoes in Jinshan district of Shanghai. Methods The main overwintering habitats of mosquitoes were selected as surveillance sites.The investigation was conducted every ten-day from early December of 2013 to late March of 2014,and ocular estimate was employed in the survey. Some physiological properties were tested. Results Totally 2 165 mosquitoes were captured in the 12 consecutive surveillance and all of them were Culex pipiens pallens. Throughout the winter period,the state of mosquitoes activity had experienced "Harassment immediately fly-Touch to fly-Touch to crawl-Touch to move the body-Touch can crawl-Touch can fly-Harassment immediately fly". The highest positive rate of mosquitoes appeared in switch board room and garbage room,while was the lowest in public toilets. The male mosquitoes disappeared in early January and reappeared in middle March. The accumulation of the fat body in the female mosquitoes plummeted from middle February,and disappeared in late March. The blood-sucking female mosquitoes and the female mosquitoes with ovarian development were captured from early March. Conclusion The adults of Culex pipiens pallens can overwinter in Jinshan district of Shanghai.
Chinese Journal of Hygienic Insecticides and Equipments
overwintering mosquitoes
Culex pipiens pallens
mosquito density