Objective To evaluate the results of control measures for elimination of lymphatic filariasis in Shandong Province. Methods 1. epidemiological survey ; 2. taking elinination of source of infection as the main measures ; 3. control of mosquito vector; 4.assossment of control reults. 5 .detection of source of infection, repeated detection and treatment of residual microfdaremias (aft), cross-sectional and longitudinal serological detection of pathogen and vector, survey of fdarial transmission threshold in target poplations at late stage of control; 6. survey and tratment of chronic filariasis patient. Results 1. the average microfilaremia rate, mosquito vector natural infection rate and the incidence of chronic fdariasis in ealry 1950s were 7.1%, 19.42% and 10.9% respectively ; 2. the average mlcrofdaremia rate dropped to less than 1% tacking the village as unit 22 years after control, to have frrstly reached the criteria of basic elimination of fialariasis enacted by Ministry of Health in this country in 1983 ; 3. After basic elimination of filarlasis efforts in control and surveillance were made and average microfilaremia rate further dropped from 0.13% in th frrst year of eliniamtion to zero; 4.The average microfilaremia rate in target population dropped from 0.06% 9 years after elimiantlon to zero 10 years after elimination; 5. the natural infection rate in vector mosquitoes reduced from 0.14% in the first year of surveillance to zero 10 years after surveillance ; 6. the annual transmission potential of bed net users and those sleep outdoors reduced from 0.94 and 3.47 in the first year of observation to zero in the 10th year of study; 7. filarial incidence reduced from 10.9% in 1957 before control to 0.31 % in 1986, 28 years after control with various meausres for treatment of chonic filarlal patients including the research for effective herbal medicine. Conclusion Shandong Province has been attained the criteria of ehnination of fllariasis enacted by Ministry of Health afte assessed by National Expert Gro
China Tropical Medicine