
多模态语篇视域下的对外汉语学习词典插图——兼评《我的第一本彩图汉英词典》的插图 被引量:4

Pictorial Illustrations in CFL Learner's Dictionaries from the Perspective of Multimodal Text: Analysis on Pictorial Illustrations in A Chinese-English Dictionary with Colour Illustrations
摘要 对外汉语学习词典中配置插图,插图与文本便构成一个多模态语篇。运用图文系统论的多模态语篇分析框架,并结合《我的第一本彩图汉英词典》的实例进行分析,可以发现词典插图与文本的图文关系主要是地位平等关系下的投射关系,即详述、延伸和增强关系,说明设计得当的词典插图确实能与文本相辅相成,互相补充为词典释义服务。同时,研究也发现了对外汉语学习词典插图设计的一些疏漏之处,造成图文关系不够明晰、准确,有待进一步改进,从而提高新时期多模态对外汉语学习词典的编纂水平。 Pictorial illustrations and text construct together dictionary. Based on the theory of image-text system, the a multimodal text in a CFL( Chinese as a foreign language ) present study investigates pictorial illustrations in A ChinesEnglish Dictionary with Colour Illustrations and probes into image-text relations in the multimodal text of the dictionary. It is found that the image-text relations between illustrations and text can be categorized as the relations of equivalence and projection. To be more specific, they construct the relations of elaboration, extension and enhancement. The study proves that proper use of pictorial illustrations can be complementary to linguistic definitions in a CFL dictionary. However, it is also discovered that improper use of pictorial illustrations can lead to inaccurate image-text relations and consequently exerts negative influence upon the definitions of a CFL dictionary. The study provides a new perspective to explore muhimodal dictionaries and is significant to the compilation of muhimodal CFL dictionaries.
作者 陈维红
出处 《湖北第二师范学院学报》 2015年第5期25-27,共3页 Journal of Hubei University of Education
基金 福建省教育厅人文社科项目(JB12268S)
关键词 多模态语篇 图文系统论 插图 图文关系 multimodal text image-text system theory pictorial illustration image-text relations
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