
纳米氧化锌强化糖汁石灰法澄清脱色工艺研究 被引量:1

Research on the Process of Clarification and Decolorization by Nano-ZnO-Enhanced Liming for Syrup
摘要 以赤砂糖回溶糖浆为研究对象,探讨纳米氧化锌强化石灰法澄清脱色工艺的可行性。以脱色率与除浊率为指标,考察了纳米氧化锌用量、预灰p H值、预灰时间、预灰温度等4个因素对赤砂糖回溶糖浆脱色率和除浊率的影响。通过正交试验,优化工艺条件脱色最佳工艺为:纳米Zn O用量125 mg/kg、预灰温度40℃、预灰时间20 min、预灰p H值7.00,其脱色率可达9.9%;除浊最佳工艺为:预灰温度40℃、纳米Zn O用量125 mg/kg、预灰时间20 min、预灰p H值7.00,其除浊率可达96.0%。结果表明纳米氧化锌强化赤砂糖回溶糖浆石灰法澄清脱色的工艺具可行性。 The study assessed remelt syrup of brown granulated sugar, and discussed the feasibility of the process of clarification and decolorization by Nano-Zn O-enhanced liming. The decolorization rate and deturbidity rate were taken as indexes to analyze the effect of Nano-Zn O dosage, preliming p H value, preliming time, preliming temperature on the clarification and decolorization for remelt syrup of brown granulated sugar. Orthogonal test was used to optimize the experimental conditions, and the results showed that the optimal process conditions for the decolorization rate were as follows: Nano-Zn O dosage was 125 mg/kg, preliming temperature was 40℃, preliming time was 20 min, preliming p H value was 7.00, and the decolorization rate was 9.9%. The optimal process conditions for deturbidity rate were obtained as follows: preliming temperature was 40℃, Nano-Zn O dosage was 125 mg/kg, preliming time was 20 min, preliming p H value was 7.00, and the deturbidity rate was 96.0%. The results showed that the process of clarification and decolorization by Nano-Zn O enhanced liming for remelt syrup of brown granulated sugar was feasible.
出处 《甘蔗糖业》 2015年第3期28-33,共6页 Sugarcane and Canesugar
关键词 赤砂糖 澄清 脱色 石灰法 纳米氧化锌 Brown granulated sugar Clarification Decolorization Liming Nano-ZnO
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