
How to Construct the New Type of Sino-U.S.Military Relations

How to Construct the New Type of Sino-U.S.Military Relations
摘要 The U.S. is a prominent external factor of China's national security and one vital variable that can influence China's stability and harmony.Sino-U.S. relations have significant impact around the globe because both countries are powerful players in the international arena. Their military relationship, a factor in overall bilateral relations, is now a compelling element. Military relations between China and the United States must steadily improve in order to make significant strides toward the new type of Sino-U.S.major power relations that have been called for by PRC President Xi Jinping.Better Sino-U.S.military relations will convey China’s willingness to develop peacefully and to take on the responsibilities as well as the mantle of a world power,but several factors restrict progress.Differences between the two countries in their nature,national interest and military power,alterations in the international system,and the Taiwan Question are challenges that require new forms of interaction to expand existing bilateral military ties to achieve cooperation,face up to divergence and control conflict.
出处 《Contemporary International Relations》 2015年第3期51-68,共18页 现代国际关系(英文版)
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