目的分析当地常见的白假丝酵母菌基因型及其耐药性。方法收集2011年1月~2013年1月右江民族医学院附属医院190株白假丝酵母菌菌株,应用PCR技术对其25Sr DNA中的transposable intron基因进行基因型分析。应用Micro Scan全自动细菌鉴定仪,对标本分离出的白假丝酵母菌进行鉴定和药物敏感试验。结果感染的190株白假丝酵母菌大多数为A型,共112株(58.95%);A型对5-氟胞嘧啶、伊曲康唑和伏立康唑的耐药率高于B型和C型;A、B、C三型对氟康唑全部耐药,而对两性霉素均敏感。结论不同基因型的白假丝酵母菌对药物的敏感性不同,应针对不同基因型别的白假丝酵母菌应用不同的药物进行治疗。
Objective To analyze genotyping and drug resistance of candida albicans which is normally seen in the local region. Methods A total of 190 strains of candida albicans were collected from Affiliated Hospital of Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities from January,2011 to January,2013. Transposable intron gene in 25 Sr DNA were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction( PCR),identification of candida albicans which was isolated from the specimen and its drug sensitivity test were performed by Micro Scan automatic bacterial identification instrument. Results Majority of the 190 infected candida albicans were type A,with a total number of 112 strains( 58. 95%). Drug resistance rate of genotype A to 5-fluorocytosine,itraconazole and voriconazole was significantly higher than those of genotype B and genotype C. Genotype A,genotype B and genotype C were all resistant to fluconazole,but sensitive to amphotericin. Conclusion Different genotypes of candida albicans has different sensitivity to drugs. Thus,different genotypes of candida albicans should be treated by different drugs.
Chinese Youjiang Medical Journal