
神经内分泌反应与创伤感染早期诊治关系的思考 被引量:6

Thinking of the relationship between neuroendocrine responses and clinical diagnosis as well as therapy in the early phase of trauma
摘要 在创伤发生、发展过程中,神经内分泌和免疫系统作为机体病理生理变化的"领航者",彼此间存在着密切的双向信息传递机制。神经内分泌学与免疫学相互渗透、彼此交融并能向创伤医学领域拓展,其根本原因在于神经、内分泌和免疫三大系统拥有共同的生物学语言,即共享激素、神经递质、神经肽和细胞因子等化学信息分子及其受体,免疫系统不仅受神经、内分泌系统的调控,还能调节神经内分泌系统的某些功能。三大系统的交互联动促使创伤感染病程呈现出复杂多变的时空规律。近年研究提出,以神经内分泌反应为始动因素、免疫细胞为调控环节、免疫调控分子为效应靶点引发创伤后免疫功能紊乱的网络联动模式,为从转化医学视角对创伤感染的临床诊治提供了有益的启示。 During the occurrence and development of wounds, the neurosecretory and imnmne systems act as a prominent leader navigator and possess an intrinsic erosstalk in the reciprocal information dissemination.The fundamental reason is that neuroendocrinology and immunology could mix with each other and permeate mutually. It is owing to their same biological languages or chemical information molecules (hormones, neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, cytokines and their corresponding receptors) shared by the neuroendocrine and immune systems.The immune system is modulated by the neuroendocrine system ,and can modulate the biological functions of neuroendocrine system at the same time.The interactive linkage of these three systems precipitates the complicated space-time patterns for the courses of traumatic infections.Recently compelling evidences indicated that the network linkage pattern with neuroendocrine responses as initiating agents,immune cells as regulatory elements and immune regulatory molecules as effector targets arouse immune dysfunction after trauma, which supplies the beneficial enlightenment for the clinical diagnosis and therapy concerning the view of translation medicine.
出处 《中华诊断学电子杂志》 2015年第2期40-43,共4页 Chinese Journal of Diagnostics(Electronic Edition)
基金 国家"973"课题(2012CB518102) 国家自然科学基金(81372105 31271242) 全军"十二五"重大项目(AWS14C003)
关键词 创伤和损伤 感染 激素类 神经内分泌系统 免疫 Wounds and injuries Infection Hormones Neurosecretory systems Immunity
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