In order to screen the reasonable resource locations for the emergency rescue resource upon the freeway,the present paper has elaborately prepared a rational scheme of the actual road condition proposal as an evaluation method for the said purpose. What is more,the paper has also introduced an evaluation model based on the actual road indicators. In hoping to describe the model more accurately and purposefully,we have accordingly quantified the actual road conditions that are mainly likely to affect the emergency rescue,while considering the different attributes of the urban road and the highways. Thus,it is better to divide the model into 2 aspects: the static road conditions and the dynamic road conditions. Precisely speaking,the static road conditions may include the road grade,mileage,intersection and turning frequency,whereas the dynamic road conditions are referred to as the traffic congestion degrees. What is more,weights of road condition indicators both of the urban roads and the freeway are supposed to be derived from a survey on the drivers of emergency vehicles,while the drivers who get involved in the survey may surely believe that the dynamic traffic factors tend to have the greatest impact on the emergency rescue acts. Once standardized,different indicators which are intended to describe the road conditions can be organized into a systematic model. Besides,the paper has also introduced a fuzzy qualitative assessment method to distinguish between the different location schemes if the indicator number of 2 schemes were very similar to each other,with their own feasibility of the evaluation method well proved by a case study. From what is said above,it can be concluded that a perfect location scheme should primarily possess a preferable attribute of the dynamic traffic factors and a higher roadway grade. Shorter traveling mileage doesn't seem to be so important as we used to think in emergency rescue,and less intersection and turning frequency would be essential for a desirable scheme. Thus,all th
Journal of Safety and Environment
safety control
evaluation model
actual road conditions
emergency resource location