In order to get the static and dynamic characteristic behaviors of post-buckled pre-compressed (PBP) piezoelectric bimorph actuators, simplified theoretical models were established and the PBP was simulated by finite element analysis. Furthermore, an experimental apparatus and platform were set up, based on which the static, dy- namic and torque-measuring experiments were carried out to validate the theoretical predictions. It was shown that the experimental results and theoretical predictions were excellently correlated. Over 10~ free peak-to-peak end rota- tion could he produced by the PBP actuator, which was more than three times of the available end rotation of the o- riginal bimorph under the same voltage, thus the design space of the actuator was increased significantly. The 1st natural frequency of PBP actuator reached 178 Hz, which was much higher than the bandwidth of conventional electromechanical sub-scale servoactuators. The work of this paper provides theoretical basis and test methods for the development of PBP bimorph actuator prototype.
Piezoelectrics & Acoustooptics
Aerospace technology support funding project~~