提出了一种采用GNU Radio技术及其配套硬件设备USRP设计无线信号强度实时测量的方案,并搭建实现了该测量系统。该测量系统在信号接收端利用频域功率谱滤除带外噪声和滑动平均技术来快速精确的测量信号强度,并且使用软件进行信号处理,具有成本低、灵活性、扩展性和可移植性,降低了系统的维护和升级成本。最后在室内无线环境中利用该测量系统测量其场强的变化,结合射线跟踪技术将仿真结果和测量结果进行了对比,验证了该测量系统在实际环境之中的可行性和时效性。
A design of wireless signal strength measurement system in real time by using GNU Radio and USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripheral) is proposed in this paper . To quickly and accurately measure the signal strength, this paper use the band noise power, spectral filtering and moving average techniques in the frequency domain in the signal receiver. The system is low-cost, flexibility, scalability and portability, thus could reduce the system maintenance as well as upgrade costs. Finally, in the indoor wireless environment, measured the intensity of the filed compared the measured data with the ray-tracing simulation data the result proves the feasibility and effectiveness of the system in a real environment.
Electronic Measurement Technology