目的:探讨在RNA干扰技术条件上,干扰α27基因的表达对单纯疱疹病毒( HSV)-2复制的影响。方法体外合成针对α27基因的四对siRNA( R1、R2、R3和R4组)和阳性、阴性对照siRNA,用Lipofectamine2000转染vero细胞后接种HSV-2,感染后分别于12 h、24 h、36 h、48 h、60 h、72 h测定上清液病毒滴度。结果α27基因特异性siR-NA转染组在病毒复制早期(12~24 h)即出现明显的病毒滴度降低,病毒复制晚期,其病毒滴度仅稍微降低;其中,R2和R4组在病毒复制早期到晚期病毒滴度均较其它组低。结论α27基因特异性siRNA能够抑制HSV-2的复制,降低子代病毒滴度。按照同样设计原则合成的不同序列siRNA,其抑制效果存在明显差异。
Objective To determine how α27-specific siRNA play on virus replication. Methods Four groupsα27-specific siRNAs (R1group,R2 group,R3 group and R4 group)and the positive,negative control siRNAs were synthesized in vitro by chemical process. The vero cells were transfected with siRNAs using Lipofectamine2000 followed by HSV-2 infecting. Virus titer was determined at 12 h,24 h,36 h,48 h, 60 h and 72 h. Results Groups withα27-specific siRNA had decreased significantly in virus titer at 12-24hous and only slightly decreased after that. R2 and R4 had lower virus titer than other groups. Conclusion α27-specific siRNA can inhibit HSV-2 replication. There are effective and ineffective siRNA which were synthesized in accordance with the same priciples.
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine