通过具体剖析保温层下碳钢的腐蚀行为及机理,指出目前市场上使用的保温层下各种涂层体系的优缺点,重点对一种基于无机共聚物为成膜物质的单组分涂料Jotatemp 650在保温层下的作用原理、性能进行了深入探讨,其成功现场应用可以为彻底解决保温层下的腐蚀问题提供重要参考,该涂料在新建和维修领域具有广泛的应用前景。
The corrosion behavior and mechanism of carbon steel was analyzed in detail. The advantages and disadvantages of various coating systems for thermal insulation in the current market had been presented and a deep investigation had been made for the function and properties of one-component paint Jotatemp 650 as thermal insulation. The new paint is based on inorganic copolymer as the binder and its successful field applications may provide important references for thoroughly solving the corrosion under thermal insulation. The new paint had broad application prospect in new structures and maintenance fields.
China Coatings