文章介绍了高分一号卫星与资源一号02C卫星的基本数据情况,结合2014年上半年重大工程用地监测应用项目,制定了GF-1卫星16 m影像进行土地利用动态遥感监测的技术流程。并以资源一号02C卫星数据提取的变化图斑为真值,对重大工程用地监测的结果进行质量评价,有针对性地选择一些关键性指标,如判别精度、面积精度和最小可监测图斑三方面进行了研究。建立了基于GF-1卫星16 m数据重大工程用地监测的技术流程,为在全国范围内进行重大工程用地监测提供参考依据。
This paper introduced the basic data of GF - 1 satellite and ZY - 1 02C satellite. Combining with the major projects during the first half of 2014, it formulated the technique process of remote sensing monito- ring based on the 16m image data of GF - 1 satellite. On the basis of variation pattern extracted from ZY - 1 02C satellite data, the paper made quality assessment on the results of monitoring major engineering land; and also made research on the selected key indicators, such as discrimination precision, area accuracy and minimum monitoring pattern. This article formulated the technique process of monitoring major engineering land based on the 16m image data of GF - 1 satellite and provided references for those nationwide projects of moni- toring major engineering land.
Journal of North China Institute of Science and Technology
GF - 1 Satellite
ZY - 1 02C Satellite
Remote Sensing Technology
Monitoring of Major Engi- neering Land