目的探讨肘关节恐怖三联征采用中西医结合治疗的临床效果.方法:本次选取的20 例肘关节恐怖三联征病例,均为我院骨科于2009 年5 月-2014 年5 月收治,在积极开展手术治疗的同时,辅助应用中医方案治疗,回顾临床资料.结果:平均随访18 个月,无感染,切口均-期愈合,内固定无断裂或松脱.骨折在术后10~18 周达临床愈合,肘关节活动屈伸在术后6个月时,为(111±10)度,前臂呈(110±11)度旋转.依据功能评定标准,本组优9 例,占45%;良6 例,占30%;可3 例,占15%;差2 例,占10%.关节僵硬2 例,无复发性肘关节脱位等不良事件发生.结论:肘关节恐怖三联征使肘关节内在稳定性破坏,创伤性关节炎和复发性不稳定率增加,手术治疗可使稳定性增强,对同心圆复位维持,为早期功能锻炼提供基础,与中药结合应用,可获得理想的临床效果.
Objective:To investigate clinical effects of integrative medicine on terrible triad of the elbow. Methods:20 patients with terrible triad of the elbow were selected to receive surgical treatment and TCM therapy. Clinical data was analyzed. Results: Mean follow-up time was 18 months, there was no infection;all incision was healed, and there was no fracture or loosening of internal fixation. After the surgery, and in 10~18 weeks,fracture was healing. In 6 months, range of motion of the elbow could be up to (111 ± 10) degrees, forearm could be rotate to (110 ± 11) degrees. According to the functionality evaluation criteria to judge the efficacy in this group, 9 cases was excellent, accounted for 45%; 6 cases had good efficacy, accounted for 30%; 3 cases was better, accounted for 15%; 2 cases were lower effective, accounted for 10%.There were 2 cases of joint stiffness, and no recurrent elbow dislocation and other adverse events. Conclusion: Terrible triad of the elbow injured the inherent stability of the elbow joint, increased the recurrence of traumatic arthritis, surgery plus TCM could enhance the stability, and obtained ideal clinical efficacy.
Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
TCM diagnosis
Terrible triad of the elbow