为建立IBRV对犊牛的感染模型,将试验组第1组~3组犊牛通过鼻腔内喷雾接种4mL/头,病毒含量分别为107.0 TCID50/mL、106.0 TCID50/mL和105.0 TCID50/mL的IBRV/JZ06-8,阴性对照组同样方法接种MDBK细胞冻融物;攻毒后第0天~第14天,每天测定直肠温度,进行临床观察,采集鼻拭子进行病毒分离鉴定。结果显示,鼻内喷雾接种对犊牛可产生有效感染,106.0 TCID50/mL的感染剂量即可致犊牛产生典型的IBR临床症状,并可分离到IBRV。试验成功实现IBRV/JZ06-8对犊牛的感染,该模型可用于IBRV研究和IBR疫苗评价。
To study the infection model of calves with IBRV/JZ06-8,the calves of group1,2 and 3 were im- munized in nasal spray with IBRV/JZ06-8 (107.0 TCID60/mL, 106.0 TCIDs0/mL and 105.0 TCIDs0/mL) 4 mL/calf. The calves in negative control group was immunized in nasal spray with MDBK 4 mL/calf. In 0-14 d after challenge, the body temperature and clinical scores were recorded. The nose swabs were used for virus isolation and identification. The results showed that the calves had typical infection after inocula- tion in nasal spray with IBRV/JZ06-8 (106.0 TCIDa0/mL, 4 mL/calf), and the IBRV was isolated from the nose swabs. The infection model of calves with IBRV/JZ06-8 was established.
Progress In Veterinary Medicine