

The Process and Motivation of the Superordinatalization of Chinese Character Men
摘要 以概念场为背景,结合历史文献梳理了{门}概念域主要成员"门""户"的语义演变情况,重点考察了"门"成为该概念域强势上位词的演变过程,并尝试分析"门"上位化的原因。研究显示,先秦至隋,{门}概念域中"门""户"处于同位关系;唐代,"门"发生了上位化,"户"的主导义位转移,此种格局一直保持到今天。"门"上位化是语言内外诸多因素综合作用的结果,其中古今概念化方式的改变是最重要的动因,汉语从综合到分析的类型转变起到了推动作用,而义域宽、组合能力强、使用频率高是"门"战胜"户"成为强势上位词的基础。 Based on historical literature, this paper focuses on the diachronic evolution of Chinese character men and hu contained in the t DOOR / conceptual domain, especially the process in which men occupied the predominant superordinate location and the motivation of its superordinatalization. The chief conclusions are as follows: 1. Form the pre-Qin to Sui Dynasty, men and hu contained in the I DOOR} conceptual domain were in apposition. In the Tang Dynasty, men superordinatalizated and became the predominant superordinate in the I DOOR t conceptual domain; while the core sememe of hu transferred and its original lexeme degraded into lexical morphemes, and such a pattern has been maintained up to now. 2. The superordinatalization of men was motivated by multiple factors including the development of Han' s thinking pattern, the type shift of Chinese language from the synthetic one to the analyzable one and the acceleration of the disyllabic trend of Chinese language. Wide semantic domain, powerful combination ability and high use frequency laid the foundation for the superordinatalization of men.
作者 贾燕子
出处 《河南理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第1期54-61,共8页 Journal of Henan Polytechnic University:Social Sciences
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(13YJC740033) 中国博士后基金(2014M561741) 国家社科基金重大课题(14ZDB098) 国家社科基金重大项目(14ZDB093)
关键词 {门}概念域 上位化 词义演变 动因 { DOOR } conceptual domain Chinese character men superordinatalization semanticchange motivation
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