“Niu(牛)”in the Qing Dynasty's version of Shuo Wen Jie Zi(《说文解字》)includes the following sentence:“Niu is a great animal.Niu is jian(件).Jian is shili(事理).”Among these,“Niu is a great animal”is the same as“horse,anger,military”as Duan Zhu(段注)observes.Similarly,“sheep(羊),auspicious,”which was the cultural meaning in the context of Xu Shen's era.However,“Niu is jian”is not easy to understand,if we follow the translation,“Niu is a great animal.”Many commentators after Daxu Ben(大徐本)raised objections one after another,and there were about seven different opinions.I believe that these seven opinions are worth discussing.According to the formation of Chinese characters,Niu symbolizes the common sememes of the same variety of word.Based on one version of Shuo Wen Jie Zi,including its original meaning system and homonyms,this paper uses linguistic cases as circumstantial evidence and it clarifies the semantic information contained in the formal elements of Chinese characters by determining the correctness of their articles.
Zhongguo Xungu Xuebao
Shuo Wen Jie Zi
original meaning
words of the same kind in the same part
different parts of the same kind of words