目的:探索大鼠创伤性颅脑损伤( TBI)后缺氧诱导因子-1α( HIF-1α)的动态表达及其作用机制。方法96只雄性SD大鼠随机分为对照组、假手术组、TBI组、药物干预组。采用改良Feeney方法制作TBI模型,利用HIF-1α阻滞剂二甲基雌氧二醇(2-ME-2,2.5 mg/kg)对实验组进行药物干预;利用RT-PCR、Western blot等分子生物学技术分别观察不同时间点脯氨酸羟化酶区域蛋白2( PHD2)、HIF-1α及血管内皮细胞生长因子( VEGF)、Ang-1的表达情况。结果 TBI组HIF-1α表达较对照组和假手术组明显增加,HIF-1α于6 h表达开始增加,24 h~3 d达高峰,7 d后下降至正常水平,其表达增加与PHD2蛋白降解有关;2-ME-2干预后HIF-1α、VEGF、Ang-1表达较TBI组下降。结论 TBI后HIF-1α表达增加,诱导血管再生相关基因VEGF、Ang-1的表达,促进损伤血管的修复和再生。
Objective To investigate the expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α( HIF-1α) and its related mechanism.Methods Ninety-six Male SD rats were divided into four groups:Control group (n=8), Sham group (sham operate, n=8), traumatic brain injury group (TBI group, n=40), TBI treated with 2ME2 group (n=40).TBI model refers to Feeney's method.At the time point 6 h, 24 h, 3 d, 7 d, 14 d after modeling, RT -PCR and Western blotting analysis were respectively used to determine the expression level of PHD2/HIF -1α/VEGF/Ang -1 mRNA and protein.Results Compared with sham-operated controls, the expression of HIF-1αin TBI group has been significantly enhanced ( P 〈0.05 ) , which related to the degradation of PHD2 following TBI induction.HIF-1αexpression started to increase 6 h after TBI modeling; it kept an increased level within 24 h and reached to a peak 3 d after TBI;and fell to common levels seven days after TBI.While VEGF/Ang-1 expression was significant (P〈0.01) decreased after inhibition of HIF-1αby 2 -ME-2.Conclusion The expression of HIF-1αincreased after experimental TBI, which can induce its downstream target gene expression to promote the repairment of injured vascular and angiogenensis.
Chinese Journal of Critical Care Medicine