
湿陷性黄土高填方地基冲击碾压试验研究 被引量:4

High-filling Foundation Treatment of Collapse Loess with Impaction and Grind Method
摘要 为某湿陷性黄土高填方场地提供施工依据,对虚铺3种厚度的填土进行了冲击碾压试验,寻求合理的虚铺厚度和冲压遍数;并对环刀法、灌砂法和无核密度仪法测定的压实度以及酒精灯燃烧法和无核密度仪测定的含水率进行单因素方差分析,探讨了不同方法对试验结果的影响规律,主要结论包括:冲压前期,虚铺厚度越大沉降越大;冲压后期,较大的虚铺厚度沉降却较小,这与较大的虚铺厚度土层形成硬壳有关。前12遍冲压沉降量较大,该阶段很大程度决定了压实度能否达到设计要求。虚铺80 cm土料冲压28遍,压实度可以达到93,冲压32遍压实度可以达到95以上;而土料虚铺100 cm和120 cm时,即使冲压36遍压实度很难达到95。建议32 k J冲压机虚铺80 cm土料为该工程较优厚度。环刀法和灌砂法测试压实度存在显著性差异,环刀法得到的压实度高于灌砂法;环刀法和无核密度仪法、灌砂法和无核密度仪测定的压实度不存在显著性差异。酒精灯燃烧法与无核密度仪测定的含水率存在显著差异性。试验结果可为湿陷性黄土高填方场地大规模施工提供一定的指导,也可为同类工程建设提供参考。 To provide the basis for a construction of high-filling of collapse loess, foundation of collapse loess are treated by using impaetion and grind method with 3 kinds of thickness in order to seek the reasonable filling thickness and pressing times. Degree of compaction obtained by cutting ring method, pouring sand method and non nuclear density apparatus, and the water content got by alcohol lamp burning method and non nuclear density apparatus are analyzed by single factor analysis of variance for aim at investigatting the effect of different methods on test results. The research results showed that, in the early phases of impacting and grinding, the greater the virtual paving thickness, the smaller the settlement, and in later test the settlement of the larger virtual paving thickness is small because of crust. Previous 12 times of impaetion and grind is particularly important, this stage plays an important role to the early settlement. For virtual paving thickness 80 cm, while times of impaetion and grind is 28, compaction degree can reach 93, and while 32 times, compaction degree can reach 95. For virtual paving 100 cm and 120 em, degree of compaction is difficult to reach 95 with 36 times, so virtual paving 80 em is the better ways for the engineering construction with 32 kJ punching machine. There was a significant difference between the cutting ring and sand filling method, compaction by cutting ring method is significantly higher than that by the sand filling method; the determination of the degree of compaction got by ring method and non nuclear density gauge method, and that got by the sand filling method and the non nuclear density gauge does not exist significant differences. The alcohol lamp burning method and non nuclear density gauge rate for getting water content have significant differences. The test results can provide some guide for large-scale eonstrnetion of high-filling collapsible loess site, but also provide a reference for similar engineering construction.
出处 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2015年第16期208-213,218,共7页 Science Technology and Engineering
关键词 湿陷性黄土 冲击碾压法 压实度 方差分析 collapsible loess impaetion and grind method degree of compaction analysis of variance
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