The functionalism of criminal law interpretation makes the teleological inter- pretation the "laurel" of criminal law interpretation. Teleological interpretation opens a gaping hole for analogical interpretation, whereas analogical interpretation provides the stage for the ex- pansion of teleological interpretation. As a type of legal interpretation methods, analogical inter- pretation has independent character. Therefore its prohibition in the academic world is not rea- sonable. Analogi twined with each cal application, analogical interpretation, and analogical reasoning are inter- other, resuhing in many misinterpretations and misunderstandings. A review of judicial instances shows that the fuzzy zone between extensive interpretation and analogical in- terpretation has not been dealt with in a satisfactory way. The establishment of the independent character of analogical interpretations relies on two important factors: formal logic and substan- tive stand. The former aims to overcome the obstacles to analogical interpretation at the level formal logic. Based on this, the traditional prohibition of analogical interpretation has been re- phrased as "allowed analogical interpretation" and "prohibited analogical interpretation" inside analogical interpretation ; the latter aims to provide substantive theoretical support to analogical interpretation, and to explain the relationship between analogical interpretation and the princi- ple of legality.
Global Law Review