为探究偶氮染料结构与微生物群落结构之间的关系,利用T-RFLP技术对经不同偶氮染料驯化后的微生物群落结构进行了分析.通过分析表明,微生物群落经过偶氮染料驯化后发生了较大演替,而且不同的偶氮染料对应形成的微生物群落结构也不相同.因此,偶氮染料的结构对于微生物群落结构的形成起着重要作用,其经偶氮染料驯化后都能形成与之相对应的以优势种群为主、其它微生物种群为辅的复杂微生物群落结构.采用典范对应分析法(Canonial Correspondence Analysis,CCA)分析了不同驯化处理生境的相似度以及与变量因子的关系,发现脱色率对样本生境分布的贡献率最大,Shannon多样性指数的贡献率最小.这说明微生物群落结构的形成取决于偶氮染料,经过驯化处理更倾向于形成以优势种群为主的特定微生物群落结构,微生物群落多样性在偶氮染料的脱色作用中不是主要的决定因素.
In this study the relationship between azo dyes structure and microbial community structure was explored and the microbial community structure in acclimated sludge of different azo dyes was analyzed using the T-RFLP technology. The analysis showed that the microbial community after domestication had a drastic shift,and different azo dyes corresponded to different microbial community structures. Therefore, the formation of the microbial community was depended on the structures of azo dyes. And a complex microbial community structure including the dominant population with a large abundance and other population with small abundance would form after acclimating by each of azo dyes. Also Canonial Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was used to analyze the relationship between the environment similarity after acclimating and variables. It had found that the decolorization rate had the most contribution rate for the environment distribution and the Shannon diversity index least,which indicated that the formation of the microbial community structure was deter- mined by azo dyes,and the effect of the microbial community diversity may not be notable.
Journal of Shaanxi University of Science & Technology