
Efficient image representation for object recognition via pivots selection 被引量:3

Efficient image representation for object recognition via pivots selection
摘要 Patch-level features are essential for achieving good performance in computer vision tasks. Besides well- known pre-defined patch-level descriptors such as scalein- variant feature transform (SIFT) and histogram of oriented gradient (HOG), the kernel descriptor (KD) method [1] of- fers a new way to "grow-up" features from a match-kernel defined over image patch pairs using kernel principal compo- nent analysis (KPCA) and yields impressive results. In this paper, we present efficient kernel descriptor (EKD) and efficient hierarchical kernel descriptor (EHKD), which are built upon incomplete Cholesky decomposition. EKD au- tomatically selects a small number of pivot features for gener- ating patch-level features to achieve better computational effi- ciency. EHKD recursively applies EKD to form image-level features layer-by-layer. Perhaps due to parsimony, we find surprisingly that the EKD and EHKD approaches achieved competitive results on several public datasets compared with other state-of-the-art methods, at an improved efficiency over KD. Patch-level features are essential for achieving good performance in computer vision tasks. Besides well- known pre-defined patch-level descriptors such as scalein- variant feature transform (SIFT) and histogram of oriented gradient (HOG), the kernel descriptor (KD) method [1] of- fers a new way to "grow-up" features from a match-kernel defined over image patch pairs using kernel principal compo- nent analysis (KPCA) and yields impressive results. In this paper, we present efficient kernel descriptor (EKD) and efficient hierarchical kernel descriptor (EHKD), which are built upon incomplete Cholesky decomposition. EKD au- tomatically selects a small number of pivot features for gener- ating patch-level features to achieve better computational effi- ciency. EHKD recursively applies EKD to form image-level features layer-by-layer. Perhaps due to parsimony, we find surprisingly that the EKD and EHKD approaches achieved competitive results on several public datasets compared with other state-of-the-art methods, at an improved efficiency over KD.
出处 《Frontiers of Computer Science》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第3期383-391,共9页 中国计算机科学前沿(英文版)
关键词 efficient kernel descriptor efficient hierarchi-cal kernel descriptor incomplete Cholesky decomposition patch-level features image-level features efficient kernel descriptor, efficient hierarchi-cal kernel descriptor, incomplete Cholesky decomposition,patch-level features, image-level features
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