【目的】研究不同灌水量和施氮量对温室甜瓜根系生长及单果重的影响,探讨根系生长与单果重和水氮供应的关系,为温室甜瓜的水氮管理提供科学依据。【方法】根据日光温室内光温湿等环境参数,以‘一品天下208’甜瓜为试验材料,试验设灌水量(W)和施氮量(N)2个因素,采用Penman-Monteith修正公式确定灌水量,设置0.7ETc、1.0ETc和1.3ETc3个水分水平;施氮量在常规施氮量N2(130 kg N·hm-2)的基础上设置了一个下限施氮量N1(70 kg N·hm-2)和一个上限施氮量N3(180 kg N·hm-2)3个氮素水平,共9个处理。应用完全随机区组试验设计,研究不同水氮处理组合对温室甜瓜根系生长分布及单果重的影响。【结果】甜瓜根系在0—30 cm土层内,随着土层深度的加深,根长增加幅度变缓;在相同水处理条件下,甜瓜总根长、单果重、水分利用效率均随施氮量的增加,呈现先增加后减小的趋势,在中水中氮(W2N2)条件下,根系总长和单果重达到最大值,分别为6 625.48cm和818.94 g;在相同氮处理条件下,甜瓜根系总长和单果重随灌水量的增加,呈现先增加后减小的趋势,水分利用效率随灌水量的增加逐渐降低,氮肥偏生产力随施氮量的增加而减小。细根根长、根系干质量与产量显著相关,根系越发达,甜瓜产量增加越明显。表明合理的灌水量和施氮量可以促进根系对水分和养分的吸收,进而提高产量。甜瓜根系总长在垂直方向上的分布变化规律可以采用方程:y=A(1-Bx)进行模拟,模型决定系数R2达到0.9以上。采用主成分分析法对甜瓜根系生长状况进行综合评价,结果表明综合主成分能够反映出全部根系信息的92.727%,综合评价最高的处理为中水中氮(W2N2)。不合理的灌水和施氮导致甜瓜单果重、根系各项特征参数、水分利用效率和氮肥偏生产力明显降低。【结论】在本试验条件下,滴灌施肥的施氮量和灌水量控制在N2(13
[Objective]The objective of this experiment is to study the effects of different water and nitrogen levels on root growth and a fruit weight of greenhouse muskmelon, to explore the relationships between root growth, single fruit weight and water and nitrogen supply, and to provide a scientific basis for water and reasonable nitrogen application of local greenhouse muskmelon.[Method]According to the environment parameters (light, temperature, humidity, etc.) inside the solar greenhouse,‘Yi pin tian xia 208’ of muskmelon was chosen as the test cultivar, irrigation application amount was determined by using modified Penman-Monteith equation. A total of 9 treatments were designed. Muskmelon plants were subjected to three irrigation treatments, that wass 70%, 100% and 130% of crop ET c (Evapotranspiration) and three N levels, including low nitrogen level N 1 (70 kg N·hm-2), traditional nitrogen level N2 (130 kg N·hm-2) and high nitrogen level N3 (180 kg N·hm-2). Treatments were completely arranged randomly. A greenhouse muskmelon crop was grown under mulched drip irrigation conditions to investigate the effects of different water and nitrogen levels on root growth, distribution and single fruit weight.[Result] Most of the total root lengths were concentrated on the 0-30 cm soil layer. Total root length increased slowly as soil layer increased. Total root length, single fruit weight and water use efficiency of muskmelon descended with the rising of irrigation water amount at the same nitrogen level. The highest values of total root length and single fruit weight were observed in W2N2, which were 6 625.48 cm and 818.94 g, respectively. Total root length and single fruit weight of muskmelon showed a trend of decreasing after the first increasing with the rising of irrigation water amount at the same nitrogen level. Water use efficiency descended with the rise of irrigation application rate, PFPN descended with the rise of nitrogen application rate. There was a significant relationship between r
Scientia Agricultura Sinica
solar greenhouse
water and nitrogen coupling
root growth
single fruit weight