目的:了解长治市襄垣县2010—2013年新型农村合作医疗的参合率、住院率、补偿比例和负担比例等情况,发现存在的问题并提出政策建议,为新农合的可持续发展提供科学依据。方法:将2010—2013年的新农合报销的原始资料,统一汇总录入Excel 2007数据库,运用SPSS18.0软件,对住院人次、住院天数、住院费用、补偿比例和负担比例等指标进行描述性分析,组间比较进行Z2检验、χ2检验等。结果:襄垣县从2010—2013年,平均住院率为6.86%,住院补偿比由47.13%增加到55.12%,住院负担比由48.41%降低到45.02%;省级及以上医院住院人次下降了6.59%,乡镇医院提高了4.52%。结论:参合农民住院人次逐年提高,住院补偿比例逐步增加,负担比例逐步下降,提示新型农村合作医疗住院服务利用率稳步提高,基层医疗机构利用率正在逐步加强。但是负担比例仍很重,尤其是县外医院和恶性重大疾病补偿比例须待进一步提高。
Objective:Through learning the related data from the 2010 to 2013 in Xiangyuan County,including the rate of the new rural cooperative medicine system participants,the hospitalization,the compensation and the burden rates,some policy recommendations were put forward for the sustainable development of the new rural cooperative medical system.Methods:After inputting the original data into Excel 2007 data base,the results of the hospital visits,the hospital days,the hospital expenses,the compensation rate and the burden rate between 2010 and 2013 were analyzed by SPSS18.0 software,and the distribution between the groups byχ2 and Z2 test. Results:From 2010 to 2013,the average hospital visits increased by 16.18% in Xiangyuan county;the rate of hospital compensation increased from 47.13% to 55.12%;the rate of hospital burden reduced from 48.41% to 45.02%.The rate of hospital visits in the provincial level and above hospitals decreased by 6.59%,and the rate of hospital visits in township hospitals increased by 4.52%. Conclusion:The hospital visits increased year by year,the rate of hospital compensation increased gradually,and the ratio of burden declined gradually,the utilization rate of the new rural cooperative medical service in hospital increased steadily.However,the rate of burden was still very heavy.It is getting more necessary to improve the rate of compensation in outside the county hospitals and malignant maj or diseases.
Journal of Changzhi Medical College
new rural cooperative medical
hospital expenses
compensation Ratio
burden ratio