A series of law - making and judicial practices related to sovereign immunity by states and in- ternational organizations shows the significance of this issue. It is of great importance to understand the norm on sovereign immunity by grasping the orientation of state immunity not just by states but also by international or- helpful for China to participate deeper in international cooperation as well as an orientation of understanding and practices that China finds a proper attitude and applicable mode of legislation towards sovereignty immunity accompanied with the choice of position and the definition of interest on the way of being a super - power. Viewing the practical trend and legislative orientation of the states, it is safe to conclude that restricted immuni- ty may be the mainstream of international law in this field. And by the standing of humanization of international law supported by many scholars, we may say that absolute immunity still bears many factors of pre - modern era, and does not meet the requirement of global governance in the era of globalization. To restricted immunity, and further to minimize the room and conditions of immunity is a desirable choice in the sense of ethics in international relations. China, in the past practices related to litigation cases, sticked to absolute immunity, but also made alternative choices in some domestic legislations and participation of international negotiation on trea- ties. To shift her position from absolute immunity to restricted immunity is not only good for China to demon- strate her image as a respondent state favoring rule of law, but also good for protecting her own interest in international transactions.
Tribune of Political Science and Law
Sovereignty Immunity
Iinternational Law