
生物质高温气流床分级气化特性 被引量:6

Biomass staged-gasification characteristics in high-temperature entrained-flow bed
摘要 为了满足生物质间接液化中对合成气组成的要求,特别是H2与CO体积比要达到1.0~2.0,采用生物质低温热解炉结合高温气流床的生物质分级气化系统,研究气流床分级气化方式对生物质气化合成气的影响.针对温度、一次气化时间等因素,研究合成气组分、H2与CO体积比、碳转化率、气化效率以及焦油质量浓度等方面的变化情况.结果表明,生物质分级气化和温度的升高均能够提高H2与CO体积比.生物质分级气化系统的最佳工况是一次气化时间为0.6s,当气化温度为1 100℃时,此时气化效果最好,气化效率达到75%,H2与CO体积比可达1.22,碳转化率达到96.3%.分级气化合成气中焦油质量浓度比传统气化明显减少,从5.46g/m3降低到了50mg/m3. The raw material requirements for the indirect liquefaction of biomass are strict .The volume ratio of H2 to CO must be greater than or equal to 1 .0~2 .0 .The effect on biomass gasification syngas in staged‐gasification of biomass was analyzed .Biomass staged‐gasification system contained low temperature biomass pyrolysis furnace and high temperature entrained‐flow bed . Influence factors were studied including gasification temperature and first gasification time . T he result investigation contained composition of syngas ,volume ratio of H2 to CO ,carbon conversion ratio ,gasification efficiency and tar mass concentration . Results show that staged‐gasification and increasing temperature can enhance the volume ratio of H2 to CO .The optimum condition of staged gasification was the first gasification time at 0 .6 s and gasification temperature at 1 100 ℃ . The result was best in the conditions . Gasification efficiency was up to 75% ,the volume ratio of H2 to CO reached the maximum at 1 .22 ,and carbon conversion was up to 96 .3% .The tar mass concentration was decreased from 5 .46 g/m3 to 50 mg/m3 .
出处 《浙江大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期626-631,共6页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Engineering Science
基金 国家"973"重点基础研究发展规划资助项目(2013CB228100) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51336008)
关键词 生物质气化 分级气化 高温气流床 焦油收集 biomass gasification staged-gasification high-temperature entrained-flow bed tar collection
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