【目的】明确短时高温暴露对褐飞虱成虫存活和生殖特性的影响,为褐飞虱种群发生预测及防治提供理论依据。【方法】采集初羽化24 h内的褐飞虱成虫,辨别雌、雄后放入平底玻璃管内,每管5对,置于水浴循环仪中进行高温暴露处理,设置6个靶标温度,分别为33、35、37、39、39.5和40℃,误差范围0.02℃。高温处理时以25℃为起点温度,然后以0.1℃/min的速度上升至靶标温度,待靶标温度恒定后,在靶标温度下处理2 h。处理结束后,将褐飞虱转移到25℃的人工培养箱中,1 h后观察记录其存活情况,以未经过高温处理的褐飞虱成虫为对照。随后研究其存活率、产卵量及后代存活能力是否发生变化。【结果】33—37℃对褐飞虱雌、雄虫的存活率均无显著影响;而39—40℃下暴露2 h,雌、雄虫的存活率显著下降,其中39.5℃下暴露2 h,雌、雄虫存活率均低于50%,40℃下暴露2 h,雌、雄虫存活率仅为4.5%—6.7%,且成虫存活时间不足24 h;不同高温暴露2 h后,褐飞虱雄成虫逐日存活率曲线坡度较雌成虫陡;在35—39.5℃范围内暴露2 h,褐飞虱的产卵前期有所延长,尤其在39.5℃下暴露2 h,每头褐飞虱雌虫的平均产卵前期达6.3 d,与对照(25℃)的产卵前期3.5 d达到极显著差异水平(P<0.01);在35和39℃暴露2 h,产卵前期显著延长,分别达到4.4和4.4 d(P<0.05);高温暴露对褐飞虱雌成虫产卵量也有明显的影响,33、35、37、39及39.5℃分别暴露2 h,每雌产卵量显著从25℃的365.5粒下降至165.4、194.6、146.7、301.6和234.7粒(P<0.05);高温暴露对褐飞虱后代孵化率和性比均无显著影响,但对其后代总存活率有着显著的影响,随着温度上升,F1代若虫总存活率由对照(25℃)的80.4%下降至61.8%—75.5%;褐飞虱成虫在33—39.5℃高温下暴露2 h,其F1代若虫总存活率比对照均下降,而除35℃(75.5%)外,其他温度暴露后,均与对照存在显著差异(P<0.05),40℃下褐飞虱停�
Objective]The objective of this study is to clarify the effects of short-term exposure to high temperature on the survival and fecundity of the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugensSt?l).The results will provide a theoretical basis for the prediction of occurrence and treatment of the population ofN. lugens.[Method]Newly-eclosedN. lugensadults (within 24 h of eclosion) were used in the experiments. Five adult pairs were randomly collected and placed in a glass tube in a water bath at 25℃, and the experiments were carried out, at an increasing temperature with a change of 0.1℃·min-1from 25℃ to 33, 35, 37, 39, 39.5 and up until 40℃, and kept at the target temperature for 2 h. The error range was 0.02℃. After treatment, tubes were moved into the phytotron to recover for 1 h, and the survival rate ofN. lugens was examined. Adults rawed in the phytotron were used as the control group.[Result]Within the range of 33-37℃, the survival rate and fecundity ofN. lugenswere not significantly different from the control. Within the range of 39-40℃, the survival rate of N. lugenswere decreased. After exposure to 39.5℃ for 2 h, the survival rate of male and female adults was less than 50%. After exposure to 40℃ for 2 h, the female adult survival rate dropped to 4.5%, and that of the male adults was 6.7%. All of the adults died within 24 h. After exposure to 33-39.5℃, the gradient of the male adult survival curve decreased abruptly than female. The preoviposition period was extended from 3.5-6.3 days with the increasing temperature from 33-39.5℃. The preoviposition period was 3.5 d at 25℃, 4.4 d at 35℃, 4.4 d at 39℃ (P〈0.05), and 6.3 d at 39.5℃ (P〈0.01), respectively. Furthermore, high temperature had a negative effect on the fecundity. The average fecundity decreased dramatically after exposure to high temperature for 2 h. F1 survival to adulthood was significantly reduced when adults were exposed to 33-39.5℃. The survival rate dropped from 80.4% to 61.8%-75.5% as the tempera
Scientia Agricultura Sinica
Nilaparvata lugens
heat stress