目的:分析平乐郭氏正骨医家治疗股骨头坏死(osteonecrosis of the femoral head,ONFH)血瘀证的用药规律。方法:收集平乐郭氏正骨医家治疗的121例ONFH血瘀证患者的门诊病历(共涉及357张临床处方),建立诊疗数据库。应用最大频繁关联模式挖掘技术,探讨针对ONFH血瘀证症状的平乐郭氏正骨临床用药内在规律。结果:气滞血瘀证和痰阻血瘀证是ONFH血瘀证中较为常见的子证型;髋痛、活动受限是ONFH血瘀证最常见的症状;桃仁和红花组成的药对与髋刺痛、跛行症状组合关系最密切;桃仁、红花、当归为活血祛瘀、通经止痛的常用药物组合;瓜蒌、薤白、厚朴、柴胡、川芎为行气止痛的常用药物组合;附子、桂枝为温通散瘀的常用药物组合;赤芍、大黄为清热除瘀的常用药物组合。结论:活血化瘀药与行气药配伍是平乐郭氏正骨医家治疗ONFH血瘀证最常用的药物组合。
Objective:To study the medication rule of Pingle Guo’s orthopedic practitioners in treamtment of BLOOD STASIS syn-drome in patients with osteonecrosis of the femoral head(ONFH).Methods:The outpatient medical records(357 clinical prescriptions)of 121 patients with ONFH combined with BLOOD STASIS syndrome who were treated by Pingle Guo’s orthopedic practitioners were collected to establish diagnosis and treatment database.Then maximal frequent association pattern mining technology was used to explore the clinical medication rules of Pingle Guo’s orthopedics practitioners in treatment of BLOOD STASIS syndrome in patients with ONFH.Results:QI STAGNATION BLOOD STASIS syndrome and PHLEGMOBSTRUCTING BLOOD STASIS syndrome were the common subtypes of BLOOD STASIS syndrome of ONFH.Hip pain and action -limited were the most common symptoms of ONFH patients with BLOOD STASIS syn-drome.The couplet medicinals composed of peach seed and safflowe had close relation to the combination of hip pain and claudication. Peach seed,safflowe and angelica sinensis were the common drug combinations for BLOOD -ACTIVATING and STASIS -DISPELLING and unblock the meridian to relieve pain.Trichosanthis,allium macrostemon,magnoliae officinalis,radix bupleuri and ligusticum CHUANX-IONG were the common drug combinations for move QI to relieve pain.Monkshood and cassia twig were the common drug combinations for WARMING COLLATERALS and DISSIPATING STASIS.Red peony root and rheum officinale were the common drug combinations for CLEARING HEAT and RELIEVING STAGNATION.Conclusion:BLOOD -ACTIVATING and STASIS -RESOLVING medicine compati-ble with QI -ACTIVATING medicine is the common drug combination for treatment of BLOOD STASIS syndrome of patients with ONFH by Pingle Guo’s orthopedic practitioners.
The Journal of Traditional Chinese Orthopedics and Traumatology
femur head necrosis
blood stasis
symptoms &amp
data mining
Pingle Guo’s orthopedics