
法国城市边缘社区治理年:经验与教训 被引量:6

40 years' Governance of Marginalized Communities in France: Experiences and Lessons
摘要 为消减地区差异和社会不平等,法国自上个世纪七十年代以来推行了一系列针对边缘社区治理的政策活动,它们被统一冠名为"城市政策"。40年间"城市政策"先后经历了"社区去污名化"、"社区活力激活"、"社区经济盘活"和"社区翻新和社会融合"四个发展阶段。这场政策接力运动采用的是以特定地点即边缘社区而不是特定人群为治理目标对象的"在地治理"模式。该模式在推行过程中遭遇到了一系列的问题和争议,如政策目标泛化、治理绩效平平,治理思路出现国家主导与地方分权并行的逻辑悖论。法国城市边缘社区治理经验告诉我们,"在地治理"模式是一种治理成本相对高昂的治理策略,相对理性的做法应该是采用以"人本治理"为主、"在地治理"为辅的混合治理模式。 To reduce regional differences and social inequality since the 1970s, France has been carrying out a set of poli- cies aimed at marginalized communities which was later titled as"urban policy". This "urban policy" has gone through four stages of development since the 1970s: "destigmatization", "social activation", "economy revitalization" and "community renovation and social integration". The French government has opted for a "placebased" strategy during this process. This has caused a series of problems and disputes, such as the ambiguity of policy goals, the mixed outcomes, the paradox between state - led policy and decentralization. France' s experience tells us that the management cost of the "place -based" strategy is relatively high. A more rational approach would be a hybrid strategy of adopting a combination of the "people -based" and "place -based" models.
作者 史春玉
出处 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期137-142,共6页 Chinese Public Administration
基金 教育部青年基金项目“行政民主:浙江经验与中国政治改革路径选择”(编号:13YJC810015) 国家社会科学青年基金项目“民主发展序列与中法经验比较研究”(编号:14CZZ006)
关键词 城市边缘社区 “城市政策” “在地治理”模式 “人本治理”模式 marginalized community, urban policy, "place - based" strategy, "people - based" strategy
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