目的:研究乳腺恶性腺肌上皮瘤(Malignant Adenomyoepithelioma,MAME)的影像学表现,探讨该病术前影像诊断的可能性及方法。材料与方法:将乳腺恶性腺肌上皮瘤的X线及超声表现与病理结果相对照,并复习近年来对该病影像学表现有较详细描述的文献,研究该病的影像学表现。结果:乳腺恶性腺肌上皮瘤X线表现常见为分叶状高密度肿块,轮廓清晰,边缘光滑或有毛刺,内密度可不均匀,周围无其他恶性征象。超声图像主要表现为实性结节或边界清楚以实性成分为主的包块,轮廓可呈分叶状,部分包块内见大量液性暗区,肿瘤血供丰富,对周围组织结构无明显浸润。结论:乳腺恶性腺肌上皮瘤X线及超声表现缺乏明确的特异性,形态学表现介于良恶性之间,内部密度或回声不均,结合患者病史较长,有短期内突然增大的病史时,要注意存在该病的可能,要进一步追查。
Purpose: To study the imaging performance of MAME, and to investigate the possibility and methods in the diagnosis before operation. Materials and Methods: Comparing the imaging findings of MAME with histologic features, and reviewing the literature in recent years which have a detailed description about it. Results: Mammography revealed high- density mass lesion with lobulated or spicutated margin, well-defind, also with no other symbols of malignancy, while ultrasound revealed a solid mass with clear border, adundant fluid sonolucent areas, also rich in blood suppy and no infiltra- tion. Conclusion: the Mammography and ultrasound features of MAME are not specific, the form of it between benign and malignant neoplasms, and the interal density or echo is uneven. Neoplasia is possible if the mass expansionary in the near term, expercially in someone who has a long history, so we should pay more attention to and give a further tracing.
Modern Medical Imageology
Breast tumor Malignant Adenomyoepithelioma Mammography Ultrasound