深度学习由于出色的识别效果在模式识别及机器学习领域受到越来越多的关注.作为深度神经网络算法的重要组成部分,误差反向传播算法的执行效率已经成为制约深度学习领域发展的瓶颈.提出一种基于Tesla K10 GPU的误差反向传播算法,该算法具有负载均衡,可扩展性高的特点.本算法充分利用PCI-E3.0传输特性,并结合peer-to-peer以及异步传输的特性以降低计算任务在划分和合并过程中带来的额外开销.除此之外,文章通过对算法流程的重构,实现算法数据相关性的解耦合,从而使得有更多的计算任务可用来掩盖传输过程.实验证明,该算法拥有双卡超过1.87的并行加速比,且算法执行过程中不会引入计算误差,可有效保证训练过程中的收敛效率,拥有理想的并行加速效果.
In recent years, deep learning has received more and more attention. It greatly improves the recognition rate of speech and images. As an important part of Depth Neural Network, the efficiency of back-propagation training has been the major roadblock. This paper present an improved parallel algorithm of back-propagation training based on Tesla K10 GPU. The improved algorithm has the characteristics of load balancing and high scalability. It full advantages the features of PCI-E 3. 0, uses the asynchronous transfer mode and peer-to-peer to improve the performance of data transmission. Apart from this, this paper reduced the data related by reconstructing the algorithm processes of back-propagation training. In this way, the new algorithm has more computation which can be used to conceal the data transmission. Experiments show that the improved algorithm can achieve a 1.87 end-to-end speed-up. And no errors will be introduced by this algorithm. It is better than the most parallel algorithm of back-propagation based on GPGPU computing platform.
Journal of Chinese Computer Systems