
Intercultural Communication Competence Developed by Chinese in Communicating With Malays in Bangka Island, Indonesia

Intercultural Communication Competence Developed by Chinese in Communicating With Malays in Bangka Island, Indonesia
摘要 This study aims to explore the cultural identity of Chinese related to their self-perception, their perception of Malays, and their communication with the Malays in Bangka Island, Indonesia, emphasizing the Chinese intercultural communication competence in terms of their self-presentation in business relationships with the Malays. The study employed an interpretive approach, more specifically the symbolic interactionlst and dramaturgical tradition. The researchers focused on intercultural communication experiences and competence as enacted by the 25 Chinese in the area of the research. The study used in-depth interviews with the Chinese as the main method with some observation of the Chinese communication with the Malays. The researchers also interviewed eight Malays as additional subjects of the research to corroborate the research findings. The study found that the Chinese in Bangka Island perceived themselves as open and willing to mingle with the Malays They are hospitable, hardworking, tenacious, frugal, and fond of maintaining long-term relationships. In contrast, in the Chinese view, the Malays are open and willing to mingle with others, obedient to the teachings of Islam, but they are lazy and are keen on being flattered, consumptive, and easily seduced. In terms of their intercultural communication competence, the Chinese are skillful in their self-presentation by employing various verbal and nonverbal tactics to adjust themselves to the interpersonal, group, and business situations where they encounter the Malays in their everyday lives
出处 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第4期299-309,共11页 中美英语教学(英文版)
关键词 CHINESE Malays Bangka Island SELF-PERCEPTION intercultural communication competence tactics ofself-presentation 跨文化交际 印度尼西亚 交际能力 中国人 通信 开发 研究人员 文化认同
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