
三峡库区水位调度对消落带生态修复中物种筛选实践的影响 被引量:69

Effect of water-lever regulation on species selection for ecological restoration practice in the water-level fluctuation zone of Three Gorges Reservoir
摘要 三峡库区消落带形成后面临多个生态学问题,对消落带进行生态修复的实践是解决这些问题的关键。筛选物种是生态修复的关键,但多年的群落学观察结果与采用模拟淹水试验、短期定位观测等方法所获结果不一致。产生这种差异的主要原因是许多模拟淹水试验方案在淹水季节性、水淹周期和水淹深度等方面的设计与三峡库区实际调水节律不一致。对重庆忠县4年的水位变化记录进行整理分析发现,实际调水节律与理论调水方案之间差异巨大;海拔146、152、158、164、170和176m处,非生长季淹水时间分别为294、266、223、167、101和0天,生长季淹水时间分别为68、20、11、1、0、0天。海拔164 m以下,出现生长季频繁淹水胁迫。目前许多模拟淹水试验方案只考虑生长季短期浅淹胁迫,而未考虑非生长季长期深淹胁迫。研究表明生长季淹水和非生长季淹水、深淹和浅淹胁迫对植物适应性的影响有明显差异。模拟淹水试验仅考虑一次淹水过程,不足以反映种的长期适应性。并且,模拟淹水试验仅考虑了种的水淹耐受性,而未考虑现实生境中的种间关系和群落组配过程。因此,模拟淹水试验对物种筛选实践的指导意义有限。在未来进行物种筛选时,需重视:1)非生长季淹水胁迫下物种适应机制;2)植物出露后的恢复生长、扩展和拓殖能力;3)消落带形成多年后,植物群落调查、实地种植植物的长期观察。根据消落带不同区域受水淹胁迫的程度,筛选反映植物生活史对策的关键功能性状,并进行植物功能型组划分,以研究消落带不同区域物种分布、种群和群落动态、景观格局规律,这对于消落带生态修复实践具有重要的指导意义,是今后三峡库区消落带生态系统研究的一个发展方向。 The water-level fluctuation zones in the Three Gorges Reservoir are facing a number of ecological problems fol- lowing establishment. Ecological restoration practice is the key to solve these problems. Theoretically, species selection is critical for ecological restoration. However, the results of plant adaptation capability to the water-level fluctuation zone by yearly community observations in the past few years did not match those obtained from flooding simulation experiments, nor are they consistent with the short-term in situ planting experiments. One of the reasons leading to such inconsistency is that the practical water-level scheduling is different from the scheme adopted in the flooding simulation experiments with regards to the flooding rhythm, duration and depth. An analysis on the practical water level over four years in Zong Xian of Chongqing revealed that: a) there existed a large difference between the practical and theoretical water-level scheduling; b) the submerged days at the eleva- tion of 146, 152, 158, 164, 170 and 176 m during the non-growing season (from October to the following April) were 294, 266, 223, 167, 101 and 0, respectively. The flooding days at those sites during the growing season flooding were 68, 20, 11, 1, 0, and 0, respectively. Sites below the elevation of 164 m suffer frequent waterlog- ging during the growing season. Currently, most flooding simulation experiments only emphasized the short-term shallow submergence during growing season, neglecting deep submergence during non-growing season. In fact, many studies have proven that significant differences in the responses of plants to submergence existed between the growing and non-growing seasons, as well as between deep and shallow submergence. Further, flooding simulation experiments did not account for in situ inter-specific relationship and community assembly. Accord- ingly, the flooding simulation experiment for species selection strategy has some shortcomings. Based on the analysis, we suggest that the spe
出处 《植物生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期416-432,共17页 Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程项目(KZCX2-XB3-09)
关键词 三峡库区消落带 生长季和非生长季淹水胁迫 植物功能型组 The fluctuating zones of the Three Gorges Reservoir area, growing and non-growing floodingstresses, plant functional group
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