目的探讨肠系膜纤维瘤病的超声表现和病理特征的对应关系。方法回顾性分析北京协和医院1991年3月至2014年3月经手术病理证实的10例肠系膜纤维瘤病的超声表现及组织病理学特征,探索两者的对应关系。结果 10例患者中男性7例,女性3例,年龄32-74岁,平均(50.5±13.1)岁。5例位于小肠系膜,4例位于结肠系膜。1例位于十二指肠与空肠交界肠系膜,大小4.3-22.0 cm,平均(8.8±5.2)cm。6例形态规则,4例形态不规则;9例边界清晰,1例边界不清;其中6例可见包膜回声;10例均为低回声,未见钙化;9例为实性,1例内部可见无回声区。大体病理显示肿物多形态规则或不规则,切面实性、灰黄,质地多均匀;镜下为形态较一致的梭形成纤维细胞和肌成纤维细胞均匀分布。1例内部无回声区为局部粘液及囊性变。结论肠系膜纤维瘤病是一种少见疾病,超声声像图表现有一定特征性,与其病理基础相关。超声检查可对临床诊断提供重要信息。
Objective To investigate the correlation of ultrasonographic features of mesenteric fibromatosis and its pathological findings. Methods Ten mesenteric fibromatosis confirmed histopatho1ogica1 ly in Peking Union Medical College Hospital were retrospectively reviewed. Results There were 7 females and 3 males. Their ages ranged 32-74 years(mean age 50.5±13.1 years). Of the 10 cases, 5 occurred in mesentery of the small bowels, 4 in the mesocolons, and 1 in junction portion of duodenum and jejunum. On ultrasound image, the diameters of the masses were 4.3-22.0 cm(mean 8.8±5.2 cm). 6 were regular and 4 were irregular. 9 of 10 cases were well-defined and 1 was poor defined. 6 has capsule echoic. All the 10 cases were hypoechoic. 9 presented as solid mass and 1 was solid-cystic leision. On gross pathology,they were solid, firm, grey and yellowish. Histopathology, there were boundles of fibroblasts in collagenous stroma with scarce degeneration. The cystic changes noted on sonograms corresponded histopathologically to areas of myxoid and cystic degeneration. Conclusions Mesenteric fibromatosis is a rare disease with characteristic ultrasonographic features, which were well correlated with their pathology findings. They mostly presents as well-circumscribed masses with hypoecho, regular shape and little vascularity. Ultrasound was important in the diagnosis of this disease.
Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound(Electronic Edition)