建立了以亲水性离子液体1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑四氟硼酸[Bmim]BF4和Na H2PO4形成的二元双水相作为气浮溶剂分离/富集水样中盐酸多西环素的新方法,并采用紫外分光光度法对盐酸多西环素进行测定。考察了离子液体的初始加入量、盐的种类及浓度、p H值、浮选时间及N2流速等因素对体系浮选分离盐酸多西环素的影响。结果表明,改变离子液体和无机盐的加入量,会使体系的富集倍数发生变化,从而使体系的浮选效率和浓集系数发生变化;随浮选时间增加,体系的浮选效率先增加后略微下降;过大或过小的N2流速都会使体系对盐酸多西环素的浮选效率降低;而p H值对体系浮选盐酸多西环素影响不大。当[Bmim]BF4溶液加入量为3 m L、Na H2PO4加入量为25 g(质量分数为33.3%)、气浮时间为40 min、气浮速率为50 m L/min时,体系的浮选效率最高,可达95.8%,浓集系数可达23.95,此时体系的p H值为4.38。与离子液体双水相萃取(ILATPE)相比,该方法的优点在于不仅有较高的浮选率、浓集系数,还有效减少了离子液体的用量,同时操作更简单、环境友好。
The article attempts to introduce a new non-toxic pre-process- ing technology known as ILATPF to treat the trace or ultra-trace sam- ple based on solvent sublation(SS) and ionic liquid-salt aqueous two- phase system(ILATPS). For this purpose, we have put forward a new separation/concentration method of doxycycline hydrochloride in re- liance of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ( [ Bmim] BF4 ) and inorganic salt (NaH2PO4). In addition, we have also measured and analyzed the doxycycline hydrochloride by UV spectrophotometry. Moreover, the influential factors on the flotation efficiency and con- centration coefficient of ILATPF have also been investigated, includ- ing the dosage of ionic liquid and inorganic salt, pH value, flotation time and the nitrogen velocity. The results of our investigation have shown that the dosage size of the ionic liquid and inorganic salt can influence the flotation efficiency and the concentration coefficient be- cause of the variations of the enrichment factors. Nevertheless, with the increase of the flotation time, the flotation efficiency tends to in- crease firstly and then slightly decline. Nevertheless, too high or too low velocity of nitrogen is likely to result in a poor flotation efficiency of doxycycline hydrochloride. Thus, it deserves to mention that the pH value is potential to produce a limited effect on the flotation. In addition, it can be expected that the flotation efficiency would reach its peak value, i.e. 95.8% with its concentration coefficient of 23.95 when the initial dosage of [ Bmim ] BF4 is 3 mL, as well as NaH2PO4 is 25 g (mass fraction is 33%), air flotation rate is 50 mL/min, the flotation time should be 40 min and the pH value should be 4.38. As compared with the ILATPE (Ionic Liquid-salt Aqueous Two-Phase Extraction), higher flotation efficiency and concentration factor are likely to come about with ILATPF, with less dosage of ionic liquid, which proves to be convenient in operating and environment- friendly.
Journal of Safety and Environment