为了解耐力训练对大鼠心肌组织抗氧化防御系统SOD同工酶活性和mRNA表达的变化,运用分光光度法对6周耐力训练及一次性定量负荷运动后大鼠心肌组织主要抗氧化酶活性检测,并用RT-PCR法检测SOD同工酶mRNA表达。结果显示:耐力训练及一次性定量负荷运动大鼠心肌MDA水平显著下降(P<0.05),T-AOC显著升高(P<0.05),Cu Zn-SOD mRNA、Mn-SODmRNA表达增加,SOD活性和Cu Zn-SOD活性明显升高(P<0.05)。结论:耐力训练激活了心肌SOD同工酶mRNA表达,进而引起SOD活性和总抗氧化能力的提高,增强了机体清除自由基的能力,有效地起到氧化预适应的作用;耐力训练后再进行一次性定量负荷运动时,机体抗氧化能力明显提高,清除自由基的能力增强,减少了自由基对机体的损伤,提高机体抗运动疲劳能力。
In order to know endurance training on rat myocardial tissue SOD isozyme activity and mRNA expression. The research adopted spectrophotography and RT- PCR technology to research SOD mRNA expression in rats' cardiac muscles. Results: After 6 w eeks of endurance training by 3h of quantitative load movement immediately,its M DA level significantly decreased( P〈0. 05),T-AOC significantly increased( P〈0. 05),Cu Zn-SOD mRNA and M n-SODmRNA expression increased,SOD activity and Cu Zn-SOD activity increased significantly( P〈0. 05). Conclusions: The major antioxidant dismutase SOD mRNA expression w as activatied in rats myocardial of endurance training by six w eeks,thereby cause SOD activity and total antioxidant capacity increasing,and enhance the body's ability to eliminate free radicals,so the effective play of the pre-adaptation to the role. After 6 w eeks of endurance training by 3h of quantitative load movement immediately,the activity of SOD w as raising and the total antioxidant capacity has been significantly improved. Therefore the free radicals w as removed,decreased the damage to the body,and the body's ability of anti sports fatigue is improved.
Journal of Shenyang Sport University