
社区流动人口孕产妇艾滋病干预效果调查 被引量:3

The Research on the Effects of the Intervention against AIDS among the Floating Pregnant Women in the Community
摘要 目的了解流动人口孕产妇艾滋病的认知现状并分析健康干预效果。方法选择萝岗区6家社区卫生服务中心建有妇保卡档案的流动人口孕产妇512人作为调查对象。通过两次面对面的问卷调查,比较健康干预前后艾滋病知识、态度和行为情况。结果艾滋病相关知识中,干预后平均得分为(17.82±3.51)分,高于干预前的(12.96±4.59)分,差异有显著性意义(t=17.15,P<0.05);干预前分别有57.2%、53.1%和35.7%的调查对象认为共用毛巾衣物、礼节性接吻及蚊虫叮咬不会感染艾滋病的,干预后为85.5%、84.2%和78.5%(P<0.01);干预前"四免一关怀"、"孕产妇免费筛查艾滋病"政策的知晓率为28.4%、35.9%,干预后分别为80.6%、80.9%(P<0.01)。相关态度中,干预后平均得分为(12.65±1.81)分,高于干预前的(11.54±2.17)分,差异有显著性意义(t=9.33,P<0.05);干预前67.6%的调查对象认为艾滋病防控与自身相关,59.2%的认为能与艾滋病亲人朋友正常相处,干预后分别为87.6%、79.6%(P<0.01);相关行为中,分别有30.1%和38.7%的调查对象自愿在干预前、后接受HIV检测。结论流动人口孕产妇对艾滋病认知不足,通过健康教育材料、短信和讲座等宣教干预措施,能有效提高其知识水平,改变对待艾滋病的态度,促进预防感染的行为改变。 OBJECTIVE To find out the cognitive status of AIDS and the effects of health intervention among floating pregnant women. METHODS The floating pregnant women who had maternal care cards in 6 community health service centers of Luogang District were selected. According to the face-to-face questionnaires, the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of AIDS before and after health inter- vention were compared. RESULTS A total of 517 women were investigated. The score of AIDS knowledge after health intervention were (17.82_+3.51)scores, which was higher than the score before health intervention(t=17.15, P〈O.05). Before health intervention, there were 57.2%, 53.1% and 35.7% of the respondents believed that sharing towels and clothes, courtesy kissing and mosquito bites were not infected with HIV, respectively. While there were 85.5%, 84.2% and 78.5% after health intervention(P〈0.01). Be- fore health intervention, the awareness rates of "Four Frees and One Care" and "Free Screening AIDS for Maternal People" were 28.4% and 35.9%; after healthintervention those were 80.6% and 80.9%(P〈0.01). The score of AIDS attitude after health interven- tion which was (12.65± 1.81) scores was higher than the score before health intervention which was (11.54±2.17) scores (t=9.33, P〈0.05). Before health intervention, 67.6% of respondents believed that AIDS prevention was associated with the individuals and 59.2% of respondents believed that they ould normally get along with AIDS patients; after health intervention those were 87.6% and 79.6%, respectively (P〈0.01). 30.1% and 38.7% of respondents were voluntary to received HIV tests before and after health inter- vention. CONCLUSION Floating pregnant women were lack of the AIDS knowledge. By health intervention the knowledge and the atti- tudes to treat AIDS patients could be effectively improved, and the behavior to prevent infection was promoted. Key words community; floating population pregnant women; AIDS ; health intervention
出处 《中国初级卫生保健》 2015年第4期88-90,共3页 Chinese Primary Health Care
基金 广东省人口和计划生育委员会科研项目(NO 20133088)
关键词 社区 流动人口 孕产妇 艾滋病 健康干预 community floating population pregnant women AIDS health intervention
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