以带岭试验点内25个种源的12年生蒙古栎种源林的生长性状为试验材料,通过综合分析,揭示蒙古栎生长性状的地理变异规律,选出适宜当地生长的优良种源及优良家系。结果显示:12年生蒙古栎25个种源间生长性状变异幅度较大,树高的变异幅度在4.45~6.75 m,平均值为5.68 m,超过平均值的有11个种源。胸径的变异幅度在30.60~63.27 mm,平均值为51.94 mm,超过平均值的有12个种源;种源间生长性状的方差分析显示蒙古栎种源间树高、胸径、材积均达到极显著水平,区组间差异不显著,说明这种差异主要是由遗传因素引起的;综合树高、胸径、材积生长指标,评选出盘石、集安、弯甸子、沾河、白石山、绥棱、松花湖7个种源为伊春地区的优良种源,树高大于种源群体平均值7.0%~19.0%以上,胸径大于种源群体平均值18.0%~22.0%以上,材积大于种源群体平均值39.0%~54.0%以上。其中盘石为最优种源,其树高大于群体平均值19.0%,胸径大于群体平均值22.0%,材积大于群体平均值54.0%;在优良种源中进一步选择优良个体,其树高平均值超过优良种源平均值的11.80%,超过种源群体平均值的22.2%;胸径平均值超过优良种源平均值的17.3%,超过种源群体平均值的39.4%。
With 25 kinds of sources growth traits of 12-year-old Mongolian oak forest,we studied the Mongolian oak geographic variation of growth traits,and selected the superior provenances for local and excellent pedigree. The grand average height of 12-year-old oak from 25 provenances was 5. 68 m in the range of 4. 45-6. 57 m,while the DBH was 30. 60-63. 27 mm with an average of 51. 94 mm. There were large variations in height and DBH. The number of provenance with a mean height over the grand average was 11,and the number was 12 in DBH. By ANOVA,there were significant differences between provenances on tree height,DBH and volume,whereas,there were no significant differences between groups. This difference was mainly caused by genetic factors. We selected seven provenances from Panshi,Ji'an,Wandianzi,Zhanhe,Baishishan,Suileng and Songhuahu as the superior provenances considering tree height,DBH and volume together,and these provenances were taller,larger and greater than the grand average of tree height,DBH and volume of 6. 0%-19.0%,18. 0%-22. 0% and 39. 0%-54. 0%,respectively. The provenance from Panshi was considered as the best one among seven provenances,which was taller,larger and greater than the grand average of tree height,DBH and volume of19. 0%,22. 0% and 54. 0%,respectively. Then,the plus trees were selected from the superior provenances. The selected plus trees were 11. 80% and 22. 2% taller than the mean height and grand average height,respectively,and 17. 3%and 39. 4% wider than mean DBH and grand average DBH,respectively.
Journal of Northeast Forestry University
Mongolian oak
Growth Traits
Genetic variation
Superior provenances