目的分析一起食物中毒事件的致病因素及病原菌。方法对公司47名患者和62名无症状的职工开展对照研究,同时采集标本进行检测。结果该起食物中毒事件与7月11日曾到食堂就餐存在流行病学的关联(χ2=8.349,P<0.01,OR=9.038,OR 95%可信区间的下限为1.134),发病与公司食堂提供的凉粉有关,差异有统计学意义(χ2=19.207,P<0.001,OR=12.286,OR 95%可信区间的下限为3.378),患者粪便(肛拭)标本20份中14份检出副溶血性弧菌,2份检出变形杆菌(2份均为变形杆菌和副溶血性弧菌同时阳性)。结论该起事件高度怀疑是一起由于食堂的食品受到副溶血性弧菌污染所引起的食物中毒事件,同时存在着变形杆菌合并污染后致病的可能,中毒的可疑食品,以凉粉的可能性较大。
Objective To analyze the cause factors and its pathogen of a food poisoning incident and. Methods Case- control study was conducted on 47 patients of company stuff and 62 asymptomatic stuff,and samples were collected for testing at the same time. Results Between the food poisoning incident and presence to the canteen on July 11 did epidemiological association exist( χ^2= 8. 349,P 〈0. 01,OR = 9. 038,OR the lower limit of 95% confidence interal was 1. 134),and morbidity was associated with the company canteen provided Bean jelly,the difference was statistically significant( χ^2= 19. 207,P 〈0. 001,OR =12. 286,OR the lower limit of 95% confidence interal was 3. 378),( anus swabs) out of 20 cases of feces specimens 14 deputy hemolytic vibrio were detected,so were 2 checkout proteus( 2 copies of proteus and deputy hemolytic vibrio positive) at the same time. Conclusion The incident was highly suspected a vibrio pollution event because the canteen food was contaminated by deputy hemolytic vibrio,at the same time the pathogenic merger of proteus contamination may exist. As for the suspected poisoning food,the possibility of Bean jelly is highest.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
Deputy hemolytic vibrio
Food poisoning