
晚期罗马帝国防御体系重建视角下的君士坦丁堡建设初探 被引量:1

On the Relationship Between the Construction of Constantinople and the Reconstruction of the Defense System of the Later Roman Empire
摘要 君士坦丁堡曾是地中海世界东部地区的重要城市,于君士坦丁一世时期奠基为帝国的首都。晚期罗马帝国时期的众敌环伺的危局以及君士坦丁堡所处的战略位置是君士坦丁一世在确定离开罗马、在东地中海建立新首都之时首要考虑的因素,而其选址标准在本质上根植于晚期罗马帝国防御体系重建的内在逻辑之中,君士坦丁一世的个人作用有其地位,但不是根本原因。君士坦丁堡落成之后,帝国各地资源倾注于此,与此同时,君士坦丁堡的政治地位也逐渐上升,并成为东部地中海世界的新中心。 Constantinople was an important city in the east of the Mediterranean world and the capital of the Byzantine Empire, which was founded during the time of Constantine I. The dangerous situation of many enemies around it in the later Roman Empire and the strategic location of Constantinople was the main consideration of Constantinople. And in essence, the site selection criteria was rooted in the internal logic of the reconstruction of the defense system in the later Roman Empire. The personal role of Constantine I had its position, but not the primary cause. After the completion of Constantinople, the sources of all the empire were poured into Constantinople. At the same time, the political position of Constantinople was up gradually, and it became the new centre of the east Mediterranean world.
作者 董晓佳
出处 《古代文明》 CSSCI 2015年第2期23-33,112,共11页 The Journal of Ancient Civilizations
基金 2014年度国家社会科学基金西部项目"古代晚期地中海世界文献<塞奥多西法典>翻译与研究"(项目批号:14XSS003)的阶段性成果 2013年度广西师范大学博士科研启动基金项目"晚期罗马帝国防御体系重建研究"的成果
关键词 君士坦丁堡 晚期罗马帝国 防御体系 地中海世界 Constantinople the Later Roman Empire Defense System the Mediterranean World
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