Objective:To leanr about the presne t urnovre intne tiono f rural doctors and analyzet he relevant factro s. Me thod:The atu hors began to make the in-service rural doctro s as the survey object in December,2013,desig ned the ques-tionnaires about the general situations and ivn estigta ed the turnover intentions of the ur ral doctors with the table of turnover intention.Result:162 rural doctors are investigated,of whom 140 show turnover intention,accountign for 86%.The total score in turnover intention table is made deep ndent variabl,ew hile eg nder,ag,e length of medical pra ctcie ,par ctci ing certifi-cate,education background,prfo essional it tle,major,graduated college and family ni come independne t variables.Then the authors make analyis s with mulitp le linear regressions and find that age and family inoc me of the rural doctors relate with ht eir turnover intentoi n.Co nclusion:In general,rural od ctors have turnover intentions,of whom the youngest with the low-est family income show much ts ronger turnover intentino s.
Modern Hospital Management
rurald octor
turnover intetn ion
status survey