拐枣属于鼠李科枳椇属落叶乔木植物,拐枣通常来说分布于我国的安徽省、浙江省、福建省、湖南省、陕西省、广西省以及四川省等地,河南省也有少量的种植。拐枣这一作物具备非常强的环境适应能力,其能够在比较贫瘠和肥力较低的土壤中生长。拐枣喜爱阳光,一般种植在海拔低于1 000m的沟谷或者相对潮湿的山坡丘陵,若土壤肥力相对较高则其生长速度较快。拐枣也是闽北地区的乡土树,但是在闽北地区并无成片的拐枣林,很多农户仅仅是在房前屋后进行零星的栽植。笔者从对拐枣树种实地研究,结合闽北地区的自然立地条件与拐枣种植现状,就拐枣的栽培技术和作为经济林种植提出几点建议。
Hovenia dulcis thumb is deciduous arbors of hovenia acerba Lindl of rhamnaceae. Generally speaking,it distributes widely in Anhui province,Zhejiang province,Fujian province,Hunan province,Shanxi province,Guangxi province and Sichuan province with also small amount in Sichuan province. To our knowledge,hovenia dulcis thumb has strong ability in adapting into the environment and can live in the soil with poor quality. Hovenia dulcis thumb is preferable to light energy and can be planted in the valley with the altitude lower than 1000 m and hilly upland with relative higher moisture,the growth rate will be much fast with the fertile soil. ? Hovenia dulcis thumb is also the native tree species of northern Fujian,but there has not been large planting area with only? sporadic planting behind the resident area. Based on the field research combined with the site quality of planting area and the planting current situation,the particle make the proposition about the cultivation technology of hovenia dulcis thumb and planting technology when taking it as the economic forest.
Forestry Science and Technology Information
hovenia dulcis thumb
planting technology of economic forest
cultivation technology
Northern of Fujian