目的探讨社会规范在自我他人风险决策差异中的作用,并以此解释前人在自我他人风险决策差异中的不一致结果。方法以68名北京某大学在校学生为被试,采用2(决策对象:给自己做决策,给他人做决策)×2(决策类型:做冒险决策不违背社会规范,做冒险决策违背社会规范)两因素被试内设计,通过操纵不同的决策情境,来观察被试决策的冒险程度以及反应时的差异。结果对于决策结果,决策类型主效应显著,在不违背社会规范的情况下做决策更加冒险(P<0.01),决策类型和决策对象交互作用显著(P<0.01)。对于决策反应时,决策对象主效应显著(P<0.05),给自己做决策时所用时间更短,决策对象和决策类型交互作用显著(P<0.05)。结论 1在违背社会规范的情况下,给他人做决策更加冒险。2给他人做决策时被试更加谨慎,特别是在违背规范的条件下,给他人做决策的时间更长。社会规范可以解释前人研究中自我他人风险决策差异中结果不一致的现象。
Objective To determine the effect of social norms on self-other decision making and make explanations to the inconsistent of the risk preference in self-other decision making. Methods The experiment considered 2 factors, decision target (self or other) and the social norms (social norms accepted risk decisions, social norms were against risk decisions ). A total of 68 participants took part in the experiment. They were asked to make decisions for themselves and for others in 2 types of decision situations. Participants' decisions and response time were recorded. Results The main effect of social norms were significant for decision making, and the making was risked when not against social norms ( P 〈 0.01 ). The interactions of decision target and social norms were significant (P 〈 0.01 ). The main effect of decision target were significant for decision making (P 〈 0.05 ). Shorter time was needed when making decision for self, and the interactions of decision target and social norms were significant (P 〈 0.05 ). Conclusion 1 ) When making risk decisions is against social norms, people tend to taking higher risk when deicide for others than for themselves. 2) Individuals are more cautious for making decision for others, and spend longer time, especially when against social norms. Social norms can explain the inconsistent of the risk preference in self-other decision making.
Journal of Third Military Medical University
social norms
risk decision
self-other decision making