目的通过测定近视儿童血清维生素D(VD)水平,分析儿童近视与VD的关联性。方法在2013年12月~2014年2月期间收集了29例在本院就诊的近视儿童进行血清VD检测,并通过家长问卷调查了解儿童每日户外活动时间。其中男性14例、女性15例;年龄5~13岁,平均(8.00±2.92)岁;近视等效球镜-0.50^-4.00 D,平均(-1.63±0.96)D。同时收集了视力正常儿童23例作为对照组,其中男性14例、女性9例;年龄5~11岁,平均(7.00±2.32)岁;等效球镜0.50~3.25 D,平均(1.17±0.61)D。结果近视组儿童血清25(OH)D浓度为(22.25±9.08)ng/m L,对照组为(27.67±8.33)ng/m L,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);近视组儿童每日户外运动时间与对照组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);在近视组,血清25(OH)D浓度与户外活动时间呈正相关(r=0.453,P=0.014),而在对照组无相关性(r=-0.026,P=0.907);在近视组,血清25(OH)D浓度与眼轴呈负相关(r=-0.555,P=0.002),而在对照组无相关性(r=0.185,P=0.397)。结论近视儿童血清VD水平低于视力正常儿童,可能与其户外活动时间减少有关,其血清VD水平和眼轴存在一定关联,而是否可以通过提高血清VD水平减缓眼轴增长使得儿童近视发展变慢则需进一步研究。
Objective To assess the relationship between vitamin D and myopia through the determination of serum levels of Vitamin D in children with myopia. Methods A total of 29 children with myopia,who were randomly collected in the Children's Hospital of Fudan University from December 2013 to February 2014,were drawn blood to detect serum vitamin D in addition to the information of daily outdoor activities time. The children included 14 male cases and 15 female cases,and aged from 5 to 13 years with the mean age being( 8. 00 ± 2. 92) years. The spherical equivalent was-0. 50 ~-4. 00 D,(-1. 63 ± 0. 96) D averagely. At the same time,23 children were randomly collected as the control group,including 14 male cases and 9 female cases,and aged from 5 to 11 years with the mean age being( 7. 00 ±2. 32) years. The spherical equivalent was 0. 50 ~ 3. 25 D,( 1. 17 ± 0. 61) D averagely. Results Serum 25( OH) D concentration was significantly different between the myopia group [( 22. 25 ± 9. 08) ng / mL] and the control group[( 27. 67 ±8. 33) ng/m L]( P〈0. 05) as well as outdoor activities time( P〈0. 05). The myopia group had a significant positive relationship between serum 25( OH) D and outdoor activities time( r = 0. 453,P = 0. 014),while the control group did not show any significant relationship( r =-0. 026,P = 0. 907). The myopia group had a significant negative relationship between serum 25( OH) D and axial length( r =-0. 555,P = 0. 002),while the control group did not show any significant relationship( r = 0. 185,P = 0. 397). Conclusions Lower serum levels of vitamin D in myopia children may be related to the reduced time for outdoor activities. There is a certain correlation between the serum level of vitamin D and the eye axial. But whether can the increasing level of serum vitamin D slow down the axial growth to retard the development of myopia in children still need further study.
Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology