Reference crop evapotranspiration is important for crop water requirements calculation,irrigation management and optimal allocation of regional water resources. In this research Yanqi basin was taken as an example,ANFIS was applied in the prediction of daily ET0. According to the results of correlation analysis of various meteorological elements in study area,the maximum daily temperature and daily average wind speed were selected as the input variables of the system; the system was trained using 1462 sets data in different hydrological years to establish the ET0 prediction system. 365 sets data of 2011 in study area were used to the model to predict and test,and calculation values were compared with standard value of PM. The results show that the predictive average relative error of system was 6. 5%. t test showed that difference between predictive value and standard value was not quite large,at the 0. 01 confidence level,no significant difference; regression analysis showed that the correlation coefficient of predicted value and standard value was 0. 9911,and the data were distributed in a straight line near y = x,it meant the model had high precision and good stability. Study results can provide a reference for the irrigation management and water resources allocation.
Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment